Whats up Everyone!! Thanks again for helping us with what we feel like was a very successful show and send-off for Landau and C-Frye. We are looking into the final recordings and the footage we have, and are thinking about releasing a live CD, as well as a DVD of this Spring Concert 2008. HOWEVER!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! anyone who was at this spring concert and had a camera (which as I watch the video, I know it's a lot of you!) please E-Mail me your pictures to OwenCStevenson@gmail.com. if you have a lot - pick out the best ones and I'll put together a little slideshow for the DVD and Album Artwork!!!
Once again, Thank you so much for making this concert so memorable, and have a safe, fun summer. We'll see you first thing in the fall if not sooner!!!
-- Owen
PS - if you have some good pictures of Straight No Chaser that are NOT from the Spring Show - please send those as well, but label where the picture was taken and we'll see where that takes us.